Contact us

Questions about our products or interested in a quote? Choose the appropriate category below to get in touch with our dedicated team.

Commercial contact

Have questions about a specific product or need a quote? Our team is here to assist you with all your commercial inquiries.


Support for professionals

Need professional assistance or have technical product questions? Our dedicated support team is here to help professionals like you.

Pro Support

Support for individuals

Unsure who to contact about your Fasttel product? Don't worry, our team is here to assist individuals with any questions or concerns you may have.


Administration and general questions

For general queries, please email


Locations Icon - Decoration X Webflow Template
Fasttel Headquarters
Klipsenstraat 18A
9160 Lokeren – BELGIË
+Tel: 32 (0) 9 244 65 20
BTW: BE0875566045

Visit our showroom

It is possible for private individuals and professionals to visit our showroom. Your can contact us for an appointment
Fasttel Showroom